Pools & Farms Troubleshooting

Dexo Pools & Farms

General Questions

How is APR for Dexo Pools calculated?

DEXO Pool APR = Annualized Rewards/Funds Staked in DexoChips Pool* 100

For example, Take a 60days Pool with 300,000 USD worth of Rewards, and 3,000,000 USD worth of DEXO Tokens staked in it.

The APR fluctuates as more DEXO Tokens are staked by users and as the price of DEXO Tokens and the Reward Token vary.

What does the “End” number on my Dexo Pool refer to?

This shows the number of blocks left until the rewards for that pool stop being distributed. Once the pool has reached that block, you should unstake your tokens, because you won’t be receiving any rewards after that

Where do the rewards from Dexo Pools come from?

There are three main types of Dexo Pools.

  1. Stake DEXO Tokens, Earn DEXO Tokens

  2. Stake DEXO Tokens, Earn other Tokens.

  3. Stake other Tokens, Earn DEXO Tokens

The rewards for the "Stake DEXO, Earn DEXO" Dexo Pools come from the Dexo Staking Rewards. Each block, a number of Dexo tokens are allocated as rewards for these pools.

The rewards for the "Stake DEXO Tokens, Earn other Tokens" type are provided by other Project Teams who sponsor Pools on Dexo Exchange.

For the "Stake other Tokens, Earn DEXO Tokens" type, the Dexo Treasury & buys back Dexo Tokens from the market to distribute as Rewards. These pools are funded by Dexo Team efforts, not by the projects themselves.

Last updated